Monday, April 19, 2010

Rant on Gov't trust issues...

 In response to said article below
Wow...this is supposed to be a democracy. A democracy only works if people stand up and let their voices be heard.  Unfortunately, people think that less government is the answer which makes me laugh and cry at the same time because it's an ignorant statement.  It's not the AMOUNT of government ...our government has grown just like our population.  It's the quality of government and whether or not it represents us.  In this case people are mad because of the economy.  We want jobs.  We want security and our slice of the pie.  As Americans we have been perhaps THE most privileged country in the world. Blessed with abundant natural resources due to the fact that this land was 'unspoilt.'  An Earth respecting local native population now mostly marginalized, demoralized and destroyed and living in squalid territories allowed the new immigrated populations from Europe to use what they saw fit. Later, as the U.S grew it's demand of resources grew too.  At some point it was claimed that the U.S used somewhere along the line of 3/4 of the worlds energy and resources  As of now, the U.S uses roughly 25% of the worlds energy yet we make up 5% of the worlds population.  China is the fastest growing energy users at this point which should be no surprise since they are going through a rough industrial revolution.  Unfortunately, the world has FINITE resources and as countries use more damming the Amazon, overfishing, depleted soils, contaminating fresh drinking water...the competition for resources can lead to war and as in this case political discontent.  In other words, Americans are being forced to 'size' down some and it irritates us!

"Why can't we have MORE?"

We STILL make more money then most of the worlds population!  The IRONY of this?  It's always the poor and the middle class that gets hit by economic downturns.  Yes the rich lose too but if you made 100 million and lost even 90 million ..well you'd still have a million which is a hell of a lot more then most of us including me. There are a lot of reasons for our economy being screwed.

 I believe the Military Industrial Complex to be cause. To put it plain and simple we've spent a LOT of money on bases, war and weapons to further our political and economic agenda.   Russia's collapse is a lesson to be learned from.  We didn't really defeat Russia they overspent on the military and collapsed from it.  Now we're in danger of the same thing.  We KEPT spending like there was still a cold war.  The Empire days are over.  Everyone is tied to each other economically.  For example: We owe China billions of dollars.  If the Chinese called in that debt we'd be DONE but they would sink too since they are tied to us.  Right now we are really should be paying attention to corporations.  Why? Well for one we've given them WAY too much power.  They now can contribute unlimited amounts to campaign contributions! And since the early 1900's have been considered 'persons' with the same rights as you or I.  What does that mean to you? Well for one there's no national allegiance.  Huge transnational corporations move factories to where ever it suits ...China or Taiwan.. which means less jobs for you and I. If your mad at the government now then wait till Exxon or Dow elects their own proxy 'Senator'  Of course it's already been that way for some time now but you've seen nothing yet.

Democrats and Republicans and our Gov't reflect our inability to educate ourselves and take part in politics.  We get what we deserve.  In the end we have to decide what kind of services we deserve and want from gov't. Roads, schools, health care, National Parks and public lands, etc... Actually, many areas of gov't have downsized significantly over the years. Since Bush was in office for example the Forest Service's in the field staff has shrunk a lot.  If you get lost in the National Forest now..don't expect a ranger nearby because more then likely he's been laid off. The increase in spending went largely to the military. Peace!destroyed and living in squalid territories allowed the new immigrated populations from Europe to ususes somewhere along the line of 3/4 of the worlds energy and resources  As of now the U.S uses roughly 25% of the worlds energy.  We make up 5% of the worlds population.  China is the fastest ir voices be heard.  Unfortunately, people think that less government is the answer which makes me laugh and cry at the same time because it's an ignorant statement.  It's not the AMOUNT of government ...our government has grown just like our population.  It's the quality of government and whether or not it represents us.  In this case people are mad because of the economy.  We want jobs.  We want security and our slice of the pie.  As Americans we have been perhaps THE most privileged country in the world. Blessed with abundant natural resources due to the fact that this land was 'unspoilt.'  An Earth respecting local native population now mostly marginalized, demoralized and destroyed and living in squalid territories allowed the new immigrated populations from Europe to use what they saw fit. Later, as the U.S grew it's demand of resources grew too.  Eventually, the U.S now uses somewhere along the line of 3/4 of the worlds energy and resources  As of now the U.S uses roughly 25% of the worlds energy.  We make up 5% of the worlds population.  China is the fastest growing energy users at this point which should be no surprise since they going through a rough industrial revolution.  Unfortunately, the world has FINITE resources and as countries use more damming the Amazon, overfishing, depleted soils, contaminating fresh drinking water...the competition for resources can lead to war and as in this case political discontent.  In other words, Americans are being forced to 'size' down some and it irritates us!  Why can't we have MORE?  We STILL make more then most of the worlds population!  The IRONY of this?  It's always the poor and the middle class that gets hit by economic downturns.  Yes the rich lose too but if you made 100 million and lost even 90 million ..well you'd still have a million which is a hell of a lot more then most of us including me. There are a lot of reasons for our economy being screwed.  I believe the Military Industrial Complex to be cause. To put it plain and simple we've spent a LOT of money spent on bases, war and weapons to further our political and economic agenda.   Russia's collapse is a lesson to be learned from.  We didn't really defeat Russia they overspent on the military and collapsed from it.  Now we're in danger of the same thing.  We KEPT spending like there was still a cold war.  The Empire days are over.  Everyone is tied to each other economically.  For example: We owe China billions of dollars.  If the Chinese called in that debt we'd be DONE but they would sink too since they are tied to us.  Right now we are really should be paying attention to corporations.  Why? Well for one we've given them WAY too much power.  They now can contribute unlimited amounts to campaign contributions! And since the early 1900's have been considered 'persons' with the same rights as you or I.  What does that mean to you? Well for one thing there's no allegiance to any country in particular hence the term transnational corporation which has supplanted multi-national corporation.  Huge transnational corporations move factories to where ever it suits ...China or Taiwan.. which means less jobs for you and I. If your mad at the government now then wait till Exxon or Dow elects their own proxy 'Senator'  Of course it's already been that way for some time now but you've seen nothing yet.

Democrats and Republicans and our Gov't reflect our inability to educate ourselves and take part in politics.  We get what we deserve.  In the end we have to decide what kind of services we deserve and want from gov't. Roads, schools, health care, National Parks and public lands, etc... Actually, many areas of gov't have downsized significantly over the years. Since Bush was in office for example the Forest Service's in the field staff has shrunk a lot.  If you get lost in the National Forest now..don't expect a ranger nearby because more then likely he's been laid off. The increase in spending went largely to the military and our network of worldwide bases.

In the end we distrust our government because we should but complaining about it and electing another group of neocon conservatives or 'tea partiers' will NOT solve it and if anything will make it much worse.  The best thing to do now. Remove the electoral party and get rid of corporate person-hood!

Why nuclear energy is a mistake..

It seems that President Obama is supporting nuclear power as a partial solution to our use of gas.  Nuclear power is a mistake for a number of reasons I will list.

There is current no real long term waste storage solution. Even the Yucca Mountain site is deemed unsuitable for long term storage.  Nuclear waste can stay radioactive for many thousands of years contaminating anything around it and until that single issue is dealt with we put all life at risk. 

Risk of contamination from accidents involving transport of fissionable materials.  Anytime radioactive materials are moved they become a target for possible terrorism.
Risk of contamination from truck accidents. I once was passed by a trucker carrying high level radioactive waste at ninety miles an hour in Tennessee!
The plants themselves are at risk from natural disasters, terrorists, and breakdowns.  Many of us still recall Three Mile Island and Chernobyl.

Workers at risk from radiation and contamination from the workplace.

Radioactive contamination can be lethal to all most living beings.  You get it and it gets you if not soon then later. 

Why work with something we know is inherently dangerous when we DO have many other options?  Simple-the nuclear industry has spent billions on the technology and like the biotech industry uses lies and deceitful manipulation to convince the public of the safety of it's product.  We've been lucky so far but why push our luck?  I used to live by a now defunct nuclear power plant that sits on a major fault.  The Humboldt Bay power plant is still supposedly storing waste there because there is nowhere else for it to go..